Selasa, 31 Juli 2007

Tiens Zinc Cream Supplement

Zinc and Eyesight
Zinc is a vital element. It helps in maintaining our vision and taking care of our vision development. Most of the zinc is store in our eye, while retina and choroids have the most, OUr body and liver need zinc in the synthesis of pro vitamin A, in which helps to maintain our good vision. Based on the research, lack of zinc, selenium, calcium and copper will cause short sighted. Taking sufficient amount of zinc and calcium helps to maintain our body general health and also helps to prevent short sighted to take part.
Zinc and the Taste
Zinc can influence our taste and appetite. Due to zinc deficiency the mucous on the membrane cells in our oral cavity will growth faster and the death cells will be removed easily from the surface and this will cover up or cause blockage to the taste bugs on our tongue. As a result of this, it decreased the taste acuity and make us do not have appetite.
Male Infertility and Zinc Deficiency
Male infertility is a hot topic now. Current study indicates that one of the infertility factors is lack of micro element. Findings show micro element like zinc, Copper, selenium, manganese, magnesium and etc, can affect fertility. Among those micro element, zinc is significantly affecting the quality of the semen and sperm. Zinc deficiency can affect the metabolism and activities of the sperms and also irritate the development of the sex gland. While the supply of the zinc is not sufficient, it will affect the function of the pituitary gland and Indirectly will cut down the secretion of the sex hormones. Besides, it also can cause malfunction to the sex gland.
Zinc and Alzheimer's disease
Researches show that, hippocampus in human brain weight almost 1/80 of the total weight of the brain, and its zinc content is 1/6 of the total brain content. Zinc is rich In the hippocampus symaptosomes, it is 20 fold of the blood, and 100 fold of the spinal's fluid. Hippocampus is taking control of our nerves activities, language learning, memory and logical thinking. If the hippocampus's zinc content Is decreasing, then we may facing problems like, memory loss, movement disorders, thinking disorder or even get early stage Alzheimer's disease in our old age.
Zinc and Other Function
Besides that, zinc also helps in cell recovering process. Zinc can enhances the synthesis of protein, speed up the mitosis and growth process of cell and metabolism of energy, stabilize the membrane cells, helps in cell, cuts and wounds recovery and cure skin inflammation. Zinc is associated to many skin diseases, mucous diseases like mouth ulcer; tongue Ulcer, acnes, hair loss etc. It also helps In strengthening our immune system.Our immune system is a vulnerable system, if there is zinc deficiency; it will turn dOwn our immunity and may cause problems like auto immune diseases, inflammation and tumor. Evidence shown, zinc supplement will helps in strengthening our body Immune system.
Reason for Zinc Deficiency
Normally the content of zinc in blood is 13.94 mmol/L.lf the zinc content In blood is lower than 11.48 mmol/L-zinc deficiency. There are three main reasons for zinc deficiency:
  1. Insufficient intake Colostrums Is rich in zinc if compare to milk. Infants does not undergo breast feed or breast-feeding for a short period, and was not received zinc supplement may has zinc deficiency. In additional, the carbohydrate foods that we are taking will block the absOrption of the zinC and cause zinc deficiency. One side diet also is one of the factors of zinc deficiency for toddler.
  2. Increase in daily requirement Growing children may have zinc deficiency. Higher metabolism rate require additional zinc. The requirement for zinc will also increased of we are shocked, having tumor and infectious diseases. People who are suffering chronic kidney disease tend to expel zinc from the body. The above are the factors that contribute to zinc deficiency.
  3. Mal-absorption Chronic digestion tract disease will turn the zinc into complex substance, which is indigestible. While, Intestine inflammation and diarrhea will cause a lot of zinc expel through fluids.
Main Ingredients: Glucose, Egg Protein Powder, Zinc Lactate
Health Care Effect:

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that has functions as part of about 300 different enzymes. As such, zinc plays a role in virtually all biochemical pathways and physiological processes. More than 90% of the bodys zinc is stored in the bones (30%) and muscles (60%), but zinc is also found in virtually all body tissues. The richest dietary sources of zinc are seafood (especially oysters), meat, fish, eggs, and poultry.

• Wound healing
• Immune system support
• Reduces length and severity of colds (in lozenge form)
• Supports a healthy prostate gland (prevents benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH)
• Increases fertility (sperm production)

Disease Caused by Zinc Deficiency:
• Atrophy of testes, delayed sexual maturation, unmarked secondary sexual characteristics, insufficient and inactive sperms and male infertility.
• Low intelligence, absence of conditioned re-flex and deformity in both physical appearance and neural system for the baby.
• Zinc content in females tends to decline as they become older.
• People suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and obstructive ductal inflammation have lower than normal zinc content in their serum.
• Increased vulnerability to esophageal cancer.
• Delayed maturation of sexual organs. People suffering from zinc deficiency tend to have defects in their breasts, genitals and pubic hair.
• Inhibition of protein synthesis in testicles resulting in atrophy of testicle and epididymis.
• Zinc deficiency in child-hood halts growth and maturation process.

Sugested Use: Twice daily, taken orally with warm water. 3-10 years old: 2 capsules each time, above ten years old: 4 capsules each time.

Net Weight: 0.27g x 60 capsules

Minggu, 15 Juli 2007

Tiens Vigor Rousing

Hyperlipiclemia Is Our Health's Major Enemy

One of the researches done, shows that almost 70% of the world's elderly population suffering from hyperlipidemia. Every year there are 15.000.000 people who die from heart diseases that is caused by hiperlipidemia. Hiperlipidemia is a condition where cholesterol triglyceride or low-density lipoprotein level in the blood serum are very high until it affects the metabolism of blood lipids, It can directly cause brain and heart artery diseases. The early stage of this disease do not have an obvious symptom but can fasten the process of arteriosclerosis in whole body and further threaten hypertension and diabetic patient.Meanwhile, it also can cause fatty liVer, liver sclerosis, liver stone, pancreatitis and other diseases
Vigoros Capsule
Main bioactive substance: Resveratrol
Disclose the mysteries of resveratrolFrench people are well known for taking high fats and cholesterol food, but their chances of getting heart disease is the lowest among the westerners. Later; scientists discover that French people love to drink wine. They are taking red grape wine frequently This red grape wine contains resveratrol which can help to reduce blood lipids.
Resveratrol is a plant's anti-toxin. It is derived from the fermentation of grape plant. The content of this substance in the grape wine is very low, you have to drink a large amount of grape wine in order to have Sufficient amount to maintain your health. However taking too much wine is bad for health In order to control the level of lipids in researchers are still searching for a safer way.
Vigoros Capsule· Energy Source For Your Heart

To isolate Resveratrol from the grape plant is a big challenge.This is because the source is limited and the special technology to eliminate the yeast is very costly.

By taking up the challenge, tiens Corporation and the China Microbiology Research Centre worked together towards this issue. After a few years, they successfully came out with a solution. Now Tiens COrporation is the leader in producing quality Resveratrol and has a modern and high technology plant.

Vigoro's Capsule is derived from quality grape plant by using latest biotechnology technique. During the isolation of Resveratrol, high technology technique is used:
  1. High technology bio-inducing technique helps to increase the amount of resveratrol in the grape plant.
  2. High technology handling technique ensures the isolated resveratrol is properly handled without exposing to the environment and directly gets contact with air. This can further guarantee the stability of the product during the manufacturing, storing and consuming processes.

Resveratrol has functions like anti-bacteria, anti-inflamination, antioxidant, anti-inducing etc. Besides that, it also helps in promoting blood circulation reducing the deposits on the blood vessel's wall; maintaining the function of platelet and reducing the density of platelet. This will result in good blood circulation and further preventing the brain and heart artery diseases.Furthermore, it also can the low-density lipoproteins from oxidation and developingarteriosclerosis. Researchers found that the content of Resveratrol in one Vigoros Capsule is more than one bottle of grape wine.

Vigoros Capsule is the third generation health supplement. lts quality is up to requirement of the Ministry of Health. It also has been approved as a functional health supplement. In the year 2000, this product has received outstanding comments from the scientists and researchers during the 2nd New Invention Drugs and Health Product Exhibition in Chong Qing, China. It is the only product awarded with a gold medal.

Heart is the central of the body's energy. It needs your care and nutritional supplement to maintain proper functions.

Main Ingredients:
Grape plant extract.
Health Care Effect:
Tianshi Vigor Rousing Capsule is derived from grape plants by using a high-tech bioengineering process. The naturally occurring substances Resveratrol and Oligosacharide are known to be excellent free radical scavenger antioxidants that usually are found in red wine.

The "French Paradox" Many of us are familiar with the "French Paradox". This refers to the surprise of dietitians and scientists when confronted with the fact that, although the French in many cases eat diets which are extremely high in fat, the rate of heart disease and cancer does not reflect this excess. Many scientists have now come to believe that the flavonoids (of which Proanthocyanidins are one) in red wine provide the antioxidants which give this unexpected protection.

Dr. John Folts M.D., at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, has been focusing on the connection between grapes and heart disease. His research has suggested that grapes may have a more protective anti-clotting effect than aspirin - the figures showed that aspirin and red wine both had anti-clotting activity of 45%, but then went on to show a whopping 75% effect from ordinary grape juice!
  • It controls blood pressure and avoidance of blood clots, which affect blood flow in vessels.
  • It relax the smooth muscles of these blood vessels.
  • It can help our body resist bacteria and free radicals. It acts as antioxidants.
  • It prevents inflammation, allergy, thrombus formation and oxidation.
  • It reduces clumping of blood platelets, prevents coronary heart disease and high blood fat.
  • It is also effective in preventing cancer, tumor and mutagenesis.
  • It reduces the occurance of skin tumors.
  • It reduces cardiovascular disease risk, lowered total cholesterol , and lowered LDL cholesterol.
  • It could selectively target and destroy cancer cells.
  • It is also important in reducing blood pressure and risk of clotting.
  • It reduces precipitation on blood vessels
  • It has the ability to battle cancer at all three steps of the cancer process: initiation, promotion, and progression.
  • It protect us from heart disease.
Sugested Use: Take two (2) Capsules, three times daily.
Net Weight: 0.35g x 60 capsules

Calcium - Source for Life

Calcium - Source for life
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body. It is required in the metabolic functions, nerve transmission, regulate heartbeat and muscle tone and controls nerve irritability, After the age of 20, we will face problem like the requirement for calcium by our body and the intake is imbalance. This will resulted in losing 1% skeletal calcium yearly. After the age of 50, the total skeletal calcium will reduced as much as 30 %, and after 70 years old, it will be up to 50% and cause calcium deficiency. EarlY Symptoms for calcium deficiency is fatigue, sweating, lack of concentration, poor appetite, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, leg cramps ete. If the symptoms showed and no proper calcium supplementation is conam and it will develop other diseasesal1d affect our health.
Requirement of Calcium:
- Baby Age 6 month 400 mg/day
- Baby Age 6 month until 3 year 600 mg/day
- Baby Age 3 year until 10 year 800 mg/day
- Baby Age 10 year until 13 year 1.000 mg/day
- Baby Age 13 year until 16 year 1.200 mg/day
- Eager Beaver 1.000 mg/day
- Pregnant and suckle 1.200 mg/day
- Old Age and Menopause 1.200 mg/day

Medical scientist shown that:
Calcium deficiency may cause 109 types of diseases, while 20"50% of the total children suffering rickets is because of calcium deficiency. We have 12 billion populations, and among them 10% are having severe calcium deficiency!Chronic cakium deficiency may regulate the problems below:
Children: nightmare, restlessness. "X" shape legs, "0" shape legs, rickets, bone disorders etc.
Adolescent: cramp legs, sport result no satifying, fatigue, restlessness, lack of concentration, one side diet, dental caries, weak teeth, easily catch cold, allergies etc.
Adult: fatigues, cramps. tiredness, easily catch cold, allergies etc.
Pregnant women: cramps, joint pains, edema, pregnancy induced hypertension ete.
Elderly: has effect on ambulation, cramps, loss of bone mass, bone remodeling, bone fractures and the formation of stones, diabetics, hypertension, heart disease etc.
The absorption of calcium is a worldwide problem. Calcium is absorbed in the ileum. Calcium has to be digested in our stomach and break down into atom an.d ion before it can be absorbed. Calcium is best absorbed in an acid medium (pH7.0). When the pH increased, it will formed insoluble compounds Our ileum pH is between 7.2-7.8, so some of the calcium will become insoluble and deposited on the intestine's wall. This will block the absorptian of the calcium and may regulate diarrhea or constipation. This may also fimher block the absorption of other nutrient,l (efpecially micro minerals and vitamins). Oxalic acid and phytic aci.d from ourfood also can inhibit the absorption of calcium by fonning insoluble calcium oxalate and calcium phytate.
Technology Creation - Tianshi High Calcium Supplement Range
To avoid the problems mentioned above. Our company has done a lot of researches, Findly, we managed to introduce a new technology product - Tianshi High Calcium Supplemem Range. The calcium used in the Tianshi High Calcium Supplemem Range is derived freshly from the Mongolia cows spinal bone. The farm is clean and free from pollution. We used the latest biotechnology technique and with the helps of enzymes to produce the calcium that can be easily absorbed by our body and has higher bioavailability. The Tianshi High Calcium Supplement Range absOrption pathway is totally difference from the normal calcium salt, After the consumption, the calcium structure will exist in amino acid alike forms and passed through the villus membrane in our intestine easily without any irritation.
Year 1993, Gold Medal in "China Patented Technology and Patented Products Exhibition".
Year 1994, Gold Medal in "6th International Science and Peace Week, China Healthcare Prevention Technology Products Exhibition ".
Year 1994, Best product and host seller in Tian Jin International Food Exhibition.
Year 1995, "China Woman and Children Favorite Product"
Year 1997, Gold Medal in "US New York World Inventors, Entrepreneur and Investor Conference Supplement Product"
Year 1998, Human health and human health contribution prize in 2nd Nationl Calcium Metabolism Symposium" Gold Medal in "5th China International Health produci Exhibition".

Calcium Chewable Tablets

In line with improvement of human being awareness in maintaining health, mineral substance, particularly Calcium is considered to have special merit to maintain bone health. At the age of 25 year, density level of human bone attains its peak, thereafter bone massdeltsity slowly reduces. Mineral substance begins to be apart from bone.

Bone porosity disease is resulting from reduction of bone mass density.This disease generally occurs at middle age or advanced age. Those suffering from this disease will lack body height,easily have a bone fracture.In the meantime. any other diseases relating to lack of calcium also occur, such as: high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Children lacking calcium can be exposed to a serious rakhitis which will influence their growth. In human life, particularly during childhood and adolescence, regular sport and sufficient calcium supply will assist body in maintaining health and reducing bone porosity disease in the future;
effectively preventing any diseases relating to lack of calcium. Seeing from eating and drinking habit of human being in case or calcium supply, the making of Tianshi sucking tablet uses a biotechnological process to extract calcium from a fresh cow bone, then adds the same with carbonate calcium and Vitamin O.

Tianshi sucking calcium tablet contains calcium 0f 250 mg per tablet. In addition to having a high calcium content, it can also easily be absorbed by body, effectively overcome lack of calcium. In its composition. this sucking calcium tablet does not contain any sugar substance, but it is fragrant and sweet in the mouth and highly suitable for children due to not causing teeth damage. Adult using this product can prevent bone porosity disease. This product is also suitable for diabetic to add calcium.

This product is presented in three kinds or taste, strawbeny taste, peach taste, and melon taste. You can choose one of them in accordance with your Own appetite.

Main Ingredients:
Calcium Carbonate, De-fatted Milk Powder, Fruit Powder, Stearate Magnesium, Gelatin, Vd, Ponceau

Health Care Effect:
TIENS NUTRIENT HIGH CALCIUM POWDER takes the ox backbone on Inner Mongolia plateau as main ingredient, containing 400 mg pure calcium per 10 g which can penetrate cell membranes in form of activated molecules with absorption rate of 95% compared to only 10-30% for other calcium supplements. Scientific calcium to phosphorus ratio is 2:1, up to the international standard. Rich in protein, amino acid, vitamins and trace elements; no preservatives; delicious, palatable and is a perfect calcium supplement.

Calcium deficiency also plays roles in osteoporosis, other bone disease, oral bone loss, colon cancer, hypertension, preeclampsia (a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy), and other diseases. Calcium deficiency is related to many ailments associated with diabetes, including vascular, nerve, and kidney complications. Antioxidants and carotenoids can benefit diabetic patients. Tiens NHCP is an excellent source of highly-absorbable calcium, potent antioxidant vitamins C and E.

Ordinary People with calcium deficient.Sugested Use: Chewed. 2 tablets/day
Net Weight:
1.2g x 60 tablets

Nutrient High Calcium Powder

Special feature:
The calcium is derived from the mongolia cows'spinal bone. Every 1OO g contains more that 4000 mg clean and unpolluted calcium.
Which can easily absorb through our membrane cell and high in hioavailability. Fit the international standard of ratio 2:1 for calcium and phosphate.
It is rich in Protein, amino acids, vitamins and micro elements.
100% pure, do not contain preservative. Good mouth feel and tasty. It is a complex high calcium supplement

Each time one sachet, 1-2 times a day. Mix with warm water 60 (C)-70(C) or other food

Hyperglycemia High Calcium Powder

Specially made for hyperglycemia people.Every 100g sachet contain more than 3600 ml calcium with pumpkin extract powder. The active ingredient CTY can help diabetic.
Contains wheat grass substance that can strengthen our body immune system. Low calories, lowfat, no sucrose and 100% natural.

Dosage : each time one sachet, 1-2 times a day. Mix with warm water 60(C)-70(C) or other food.

Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder

Special features:
Follow growth requirement.

Every 1OOg sachet contains more than 3600mg calcium. Has additional egg yolk powder, yolk powder contains high quality protein and 10-30% lecithin which helps in children brain cell, vision development and improve memory as well. Contains 9 essential amino acids, taurine, protein, vitamin and micro elements, Do not contain sucrose and prevent teeth decay.

Each time one sachet, 1-2 times a day 60(C)-70(C) or other food