Central to the concept of Acupuncture is the idea that human body is a self-healing dynamic whole ,full of energy &vitality, which is being constantly regenerated & rebalanced from with in .Acupuncture seeks to enhance body’s natural healing process by redirecting or realigning this is called Qi (chi)
Along with the concept of Qi ,Acupuncture postulates that Qi or energy flows & circulates through the body in a network of meridians or channels . There are 14 meridians .12-paired & 2 unpaired . Each of these has a body organ or system associated to it.
Introduction to Acupoint TreasureTianshi Acupoint treasure is a pocket sized specific medical needless acupuncture instrument . It is called green therapy with rapid and obvious effectiveness ,convenience ,safety and with out cross infection or side effects .
This is the first invention of its kind in both china and abroad .
The National patent No-97103246.7
Tianshi Acupoint treasure was invented according to the ancient Chinese Acupuncture Therapy ,Acupressure therapy ,Electric pulse therapy & magneto TherapyWhen you apply pressure on the occupants ,the focused magnetic cluster will function through skin , thus clearing and activating the channels ,promoting circulation and adjusting disturbance in bio electric field and magnetic field by way of scanning and injecting certain electric pulse to prevent disease and achieve health effects. After more than 10 years of research and clinical applications ,general effectiveness of Acupoint treasure has reached 98.4%.
It has won high praise and is welcomed by doctors ,experts and patients all over the world .Tianshi Acupoint treasure won the gold award at”96 Beijing International Expo” the Ist session International Einstein new invention ,New Technology (products ) Exhibition in 1997.
I. Remember three words :
- PSP (Press, Scan & Pulse )
1. PRESS:- press the pinpoint of the Acupoint treasure on the pain area or acupoint.
2. SCAN: - while pressing the acupoint clock wise or counter clock wise , and at the same time scanning the acupoints with the magnetic bunch to change the still magnetism into active magnetism hence it speeds up the flow of blood &clears the obstruction of the channel .
3. PULSE: - after pressing the acupoint for 2-3 min , pulse can be given to the points .Before giving electric pulse , install the transmitting stick into the socket . Ask the person to hold the stick in one hand , keep the pinpoint on the acupoint and give the pulse. (NOTE: Electric pulse is usually used for chronic diseases and is not given on all the points)
- for skin care Tianshi has developed the accessory to be used together with “Acupoint Treasure” .It forms a convex shape magnetic field by combining high
–energy magnetic beam of acupoiunt treasure with magnetic field of “xue jade beauty machine” .
Combined with skin nourishing effect , it can increase the circulation of capillaries and hence it makes your face skin finer & smoother , shiny with the vigor of youth .
Usage of jade stone
• Plug the magnetic head into the back faucet of the “Beauty jade machine”.
• Massage the skin with the surface of beauty jade machine .Do circular movement clockwise or counter clockwise with proper strength .(Note use some water based jelly/ baby oil or rose water etc…)
• When necessary ,clean the surface of the jade with cotton ball dipped in disinfectant .
Effective in :-
1 . clearing and activating the channels and collaterals
2. Inflammation
3. knee pain
4. Back ache
5.shoulder pain
6. Arthritis
7.Regulating blood pressure
9. Sinusitis
10.Respiratory Disorders
11.Digestive Disorders
12.Head ache & Migraine
13.Regulating blood sugars & many more
Point for Attention
1. Read the directions carefully before using the Acupoint Treasure.
2. prevent the Acupoint Treasure from shake ,moisture ,high temperature and heat source .
3. keep the Acupoint treasure away from hand watches , TV ,Video recorder which are susceptible to magnetic force .
4. Do not dissemble without authorization otherwise; the precious structure such as magnetic wave will be destroyed .
5. The useful life of the electric pulse is generally 5000times/piece . It is usually used for chronic diseases .
6. Patients with cardiac pacemaker & metallic implants in bones should use with caution.
Along with the concept of Qi ,Acupuncture postulates that Qi or energy flows & circulates through the body in a network of meridians or channels . There are 14 meridians .12-paired & 2 unpaired . Each of these has a body organ or system associated to it.
Introduction to Acupoint TreasureTianshi Acupoint treasure is a pocket sized specific medical needless acupuncture instrument . It is called green therapy with rapid and obvious effectiveness ,convenience ,safety and with out cross infection or side effects .
This is the first invention of its kind in both china and abroad .
The National patent No-97103246.7
Tianshi Acupoint treasure was invented according to the ancient Chinese Acupuncture Therapy ,Acupressure therapy ,Electric pulse therapy & magneto TherapyWhen you apply pressure on the occupants ,the focused magnetic cluster will function through skin , thus clearing and activating the channels ,promoting circulation and adjusting disturbance in bio electric field and magnetic field by way of scanning and injecting certain electric pulse to prevent disease and achieve health effects. After more than 10 years of research and clinical applications ,general effectiveness of Acupoint treasure has reached 98.4%.
It has won high praise and is welcomed by doctors ,experts and patients all over the world .Tianshi Acupoint treasure won the gold award at”96 Beijing International Expo” the Ist session International Einstein new invention ,New Technology (products ) Exhibition in 1997.
I. Remember three words :
- PSP (Press, Scan & Pulse )
1. PRESS:- press the pinpoint of the Acupoint treasure on the pain area or acupoint.
2. SCAN: - while pressing the acupoint clock wise or counter clock wise , and at the same time scanning the acupoints with the magnetic bunch to change the still magnetism into active magnetism hence it speeds up the flow of blood &clears the obstruction of the channel .
3. PULSE: - after pressing the acupoint for 2-3 min , pulse can be given to the points .Before giving electric pulse , install the transmitting stick into the socket . Ask the person to hold the stick in one hand , keep the pinpoint on the acupoint and give the pulse. (NOTE: Electric pulse is usually used for chronic diseases and is not given on all the points)
- for skin care Tianshi has developed the accessory to be used together with “Acupoint Treasure” .It forms a convex shape magnetic field by combining high
–energy magnetic beam of acupoiunt treasure with magnetic field of “xue jade beauty machine” .
Combined with skin nourishing effect , it can increase the circulation of capillaries and hence it makes your face skin finer & smoother , shiny with the vigor of youth .
Usage of jade stone
• Plug the magnetic head into the back faucet of the “Beauty jade machine”.
• Massage the skin with the surface of beauty jade machine .Do circular movement clockwise or counter clockwise with proper strength .(Note use some water based jelly/ baby oil or rose water etc…)
• When necessary ,clean the surface of the jade with cotton ball dipped in disinfectant .
Effective in :-
1 . clearing and activating the channels and collaterals
2. Inflammation
3. knee pain
4. Back ache
5.shoulder pain
6. Arthritis
7.Regulating blood pressure
9. Sinusitis
10.Respiratory Disorders
11.Digestive Disorders
12.Head ache & Migraine
13.Regulating blood sugars & many more
Point for Attention
1. Read the directions carefully before using the Acupoint Treasure.
2. prevent the Acupoint Treasure from shake ,moisture ,high temperature and heat source .
3. keep the Acupoint treasure away from hand watches , TV ,Video recorder which are susceptible to magnetic force .
4. Do not dissemble without authorization otherwise; the precious structure such as magnetic wave will be destroyed .
5. The useful life of the electric pulse is generally 5000times/piece . It is usually used for chronic diseases .
6. Patients with cardiac pacemaker & metallic implants in bones should use with caution.
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